Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 12/22/21

Year: 2021

Atatürk University The aim of Graduate School of Atatürk Principles and Revolution History is to conduct scientific research on Atatürk's principles and revolutions. The findings are shared with the academic community. Atatürk Journal is published for this purpose. Atatürk dedicated his life to the Turkish people. It is very important that done to establish a modern Republic of Turkey.  The purpose of the journal "Atatürk", which is the publication organ of Atatürk University, Graduate School of Atatürk Principles and Revolution History is to transfer Atatürk and his revolutions to Turkish youth scientifically

The Journal of Atatürk is published twice a year (July-December). It is within the scope of this journal to evaluate the social, political, military, economic and cultural factors, which are an extension of the modernization efforts of the Ottoman Empire in the last period, and the revolutions realized by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in the light of the methods of history science. However, in the Journal of Atatürk, the Republic of Turkey in connection with the biographical work history and historiography of the city are also included.

Important Note on Compliance with Research and Publication Ethics: Similarity Rate for Articles: maximum 30%. Each article that reaches our journal is audited in the Turnitin Program according to ethical rules. Authors are kindly requested to consider this rule.
1- The orthographic rules to be followed in the articles are the current The orthographic and spelling rules of the Turkish Language Association.

2- The margins of the articles in the journal should be right: 2.5, top: 2.5, bottom: 2.5 left: 3.5.

3- The text part of the article is in “Times New Roman" tip font and 12 points; footnotes will be written in Times New Roman and 10 punto.

4- In paragraph settings, note the following: Leading “1.5”; The intervals should be 0 pt "before" and "after".

5- The article title should be centered on the page. A blank line should be left and the title of the article should be written in English. The name of the author will be written as follows.

For example:

6- Add the "*" sign at the bottom of the page. Here, the name of the university, the unit and the current e-mail and your ORCID number should be written in 10 pt.

For example:

*Prof. Dr., Atatürk Üniversitesi Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü Öğretim Üyesi: erdalaydogan@atauni.edu.tr, ORCID: 0000-0000-0000

7- Under the title of the article (after 2 lines of space), write the abstract of the article justified to the left under the heading "ABSTRACT" (ABSTRACT should be left aligned).
It should consist of a minimum of 120 and a maximum of 150 words. Under the "ABSTRACT", four pieces "Key Words" related to the subject should be written. Paragraph input should be 1.5 cm for Keywords.

8- There should be two spaces between Turkish “ÖZ” and English “ABSTRACT”.

9- While creating the text part, "INTRODUCTION", if available, is written aligned to the left and the following paragraph starts 1.5 cm inside the bottom line.
10- If the footnote number will be given at the end of the sentence in the text, it should be placed before the period (.). In addition, when writing a footnote, the books should be given as shown below:
For example:

If the source is given for the first time in the footnote:
Enver Konukçu, Düzce Tarihi ve Bölgenin İdari Yapılanması, İstanbul 2016, s. 453.
If the source is given for the second time in the footnote:
E. Konukçu, Düzce Tarihi ve Bölgenin İdari Yapılanması, s.453.
Authors who need to shorten the names of the books can write as follows:
E. Konukçu, Düzce Tarihi ve…, s. 483-495.

Note: Publisher name is not required. If it is desired to be written, it should be stated after the title of the book in the first place. If the same source is given in the footnote for the second time, there is no need to specify the publisher name.

11- Journal and newspaper names should be given in quotation marks in the text. In addition, explanations in brackets should not be made as much as possible in the text. If this is needed, the necessary explanation should be made in the footnote by indicating the source.

12- After the information is given in the footnote, if the source is to be cited, it should be given in parentheses.

For example:

4 Ekonomik göstergeler Türkiye açısından bu dönemde iyi değildi. Türk Hükümeti ekonomiye yeniden istikrar kazandırmak amacıyla 1956’dan beri çaba göstermekteydi. Bu doğrultuda Milli Korunma Kanunu yeniden yürürlüğe sokuldu. Piyasalarda fiyat denetimi sıklaştırıldı. Ticari banka kredilerine sınır getirildi. Faiz oranı yükseltildi. (Enver Konukçu, Düzce Tarihi ve Bölgenin İdari Yapılanması, İstanbul 2016,s 453.)

Note: If the source is given for the second time, the abbreviation of the source is given in parentheses as in the examples above.

13- While the articles are given as footnotes (in the first place), the full name of the article is given in italics in quotation marks after the name of the author. Subsequently, the full name of the journal is written in bold (bolt) letters. The volume number of the journal (if any) is indicated by a roman numeral. After the number (S) is given, the publication date of the journal is given in brackets and the relevant page of the article is indicated with a lowercase (s) letter. The following article examples; It will be sufficient to show how to put footnotes from the same source for both the first and the second time.

For example:

5 Enver Konukçu, “Türkiye Avrupa Birliği İlişkilerinin Tarihsel Süreci ve Son Gelişmeler”, Atatürk Dergisi,V, S.5, (Mayıs-2005), s.45.

If the same article is given for the second time, it is written as in the example below. If the author has shortened the name of the article, the page number is given after the three dots starting from the abbreviation.

6 E. Konukçu, “Türkiye Avrupa Birliği İlişkilerinin Tarihsel Süreci…”, s.45.

14- Archive sources, Minutes, Newspapers and Electronic Resources are given as in the example below.

Archive Resources:
If the source is given for the first time in the footnote;

Başbakanlık Cumhuriyet Arşivi (BCA),

If the source is given for the second time in the footnote

Note: If the archive number of the document belongs to the old classification, it can be written as in the example below.

BCA, Fon No:, Kutu No: 104, Dosya No: 651, Sıra No: 4.

If the source is given for the first time in the footnote;
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Zabıt Ceridesi (TBMMZC), V/2, Ankara, 1958, s.101.

If the source is given for the second time in the footnote;

TBMMZC, V/2, s.101.

Note: "Volume" will be indicated by the Roman Numeral and "Period" by the Latin Numeral with the sign "/" in between, as shown in the example above.


Cumhuriyet, 25 Mayıs 1950.

Note: If you want to specify the page number, you can refer to the newspaper after the date as shown below.

Cumhuriyet, 25 Mayıs 1950, s.5.

Note: In the second issue, no abbreviation will be used in the name of the newspaper.

Electronic Resources:

The address bar of the web page to be sourced is copied and pasted into the footnote. Then, the current date is written under the title of "Access Date". While the web address is placed in the footnote after it is copied, the address of the relevant page should not be "in different colors and underlined".

http://www.rayhaber.com/2014/06/erzurum-tren-gari-ndaki-muzeyle-tarihe-yolculuk/ Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2018

Note: "Access Date:" can also be abbreviated as "E.T .:" if requested by the author.

If electronic resources will be used after the explanation which is made in the footnote, the electronic source should be specified in parentheses.

15- If the article is to be titled in itself, it should be edited as stated in the examples below.

After "ABSTRACT" ends, "INTRODUCTION/GİRİŞ" should be written as "Left aligned" at the beginning of the new page as in the example below.

27 Ekim 1957 erken genel seçimi sonrası Demokrat Parti (DP) üçüncü defa büyük bir çoğunlukla yeniden iktidara geldi. Kurulan V. Menderes Hükümeti’nin programı Adnan…

After the end of " INTRODUCTION ", a blank line is left and the title is written as in the example below.

Konu hakkında yapılan siyasi değerlendirmelere göre dönemin hükümetinin bilinçli bir dış politika izlemediği ifade edilmektedir.

“Akşam” gazetenin 31 Temmuz 1959’daki nüshasında “kafa karışıklığına” neden olacak bir gelişmenin haberi yapılıyordu. Manşetten verilen haberde başlık “Müşterek Pazara Henüz….

Note: As in the example above, the main title is expressed with "capital letters" and the entire title is written in capital letters.

If subtitles are needed, they should be expressed numerically as in the examples below. There should be one line of space between titles :

1- Türk Ekonomisinin Genel Durumu
a) Rakamsal Değerler

After the text is created under the title, one blank line is left when switching to the other title.

16- After the text of the article is completed, the author should create an independent title for "SONUÇ/CONCLUSION" and give it at the beginning of the new page.

For example:

Federal Almanya, Belçika, Lüksemburg, Fransa, İtalya ve Hollanda’dan oluşan altı üye ülke 1951’de Avrupa Kömür ve Çelik Topluluğu’nu kurdu. Bu devletler tarafından mal ve hizmetlerin serbest dolaşımına dair bir ekonomik topluluk kurulmasına karar verildi.

17- After the article is completed, at the beginning of the new page, the sources used in the article are classified as shown in the example below. Whichever resource is used, it takes priority in the ranking. This situation is related to the academic material used. However, the author should pay attention to the order indicated:

1- Arşiv
Başbakanlık Cumhuriyet Arşivi (BCA)
2- Resmi Yayın ve Tutanaklar
TBMMZC, IV/3, Ankara, 1950, s.5
3- Gazeteler
4- Kitaplar
YILDIRIM, İsmail, Cumhuriyet Döneminde Demiryolları (1923-1950), Ankara, 2001.
5- Makaleler
TEMİZGÜNEY, Firdevs, “Demiryolu Ulaşımının Erzurum’a katkıları”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, S.53, (2015), s.255-272.
Not: Makalenin başlangıç ve bitiş sayfa aralığı kaynakçada kesinlikle belirtilmelidir.
6- Elektronik Kaynaklar
http://www.rayhaber.com/2014/06/erzurum-tren-gari-ndaki-muzeyle-tarihe-yolculuk/ Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2018

18- If scientific materials such as documents and photographs are to be added to the article, they should first list the documents (if any) and then the photographs after the bibliography. The documents and photographs should be listed as "B.1:" or "F.1:" and explained next to them.


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The Journal of Atatürk are evaluated by double-blind review in a process, which neither the authors know the reviewers nor the reviewers know the authors; reviewers cannot communicate the authors directly; article evaluation forms and proofreading requests are sent to the authors through the website of the journal. Reviewers must bear the ethical responsibilities in Atatürk University The Journal of Atatürk as below:

1- Reviewers should only accept to evaluate the articles related to the field of their specializations.
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